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Archive for the 'The Web' Category

Squarepusher takeover and live puppies

( audio andElectronica andmisc andMusic andThe Web andvideo )

First off, Squarepusher has taken over the music page of the Guardian: http://www.guardian.co.uk/music/ And now, here are some live puppies: What more could you want?

Excellent Learn Jazz Piano Podcast

( Jazz andMusic andThe Web )

I’m on a new quest to improve my musicianship via the web and other forms of technology. I’m renting lots of musical instruction videos I found on Blockbuster Total Access. And I’m finding some great instructional stuff on the web. Check out this awesome ‘Learn Jazz Piano Podcast’. Open up Itunes, go to Advanced > […]

More thoughts on Pandora

( Music andThe Web )

The people at Pandora.com are cool too, and responded right away to my suggestions. I was going to blog about how I thought they should tweak their interface and further thoughts on how cool it is, but instead I’ll just post the correspondence. Hello Jordan Great idea!  We actually are working on a user interface for […]

I LOVE Pandora

( Music andThe Web )

How many hours have you spent going through your itunes library, looking up an artist in the mini store, and then clicking on related artists to discover new music? If you’re like me, then it’s several. Well, I found a better way to do this, for free, online. It’s called Pandora. Now, instead of digging […]

A consumer’s guide to current drum pads

Back when I was writing the Djurdevdan remix for Stepmania, I tried creating a pair of MIDI-flipflops as a way to procrastinate and also to try to use them as drum triggers to help me write/program drum beats. The idea was to put two sensors in each one and wear them on my hands, and […]

Designtion Launched

( The Web )

I’ve launched my new web consulting company, Designtion, offering database-driven php sites, creative web design, and ecommerce shopping stores. It has a 40-site portfolio and an interactive pricing form. Designtion also offers hosting and domains. Please check it out and pass the word on. Thanks!

This just blows my mind

( The Web )

Pepto-bismol ice cream. For the love of god, why? I kind of want to try it though.

My recent electronic music exploration

Anyone who knows me will know that squarepusher is one of my favorite electronic artists, and even, artists of all time. His groovy jazz, funky beats, backbreaking tempos and mind-bending editing make it sound like the most complicated, innovative music I’ve ever heard. Granted he has a lot to thank from Aphex Twin and the […]

My Web Alphabet

( The Web )

I think it’s neat how safari’s autocomplete works, when you start typing it lists sites descending from the order you visited them in, so I’ve been finding I only have to type one or two letters and then hit down to go to the sites I want. I thought it would be an interesting post […]

Here we go again

( The Web )

So I have a problem of not updating my blogs enough, and somehow I think the solution is to create another one. So far I run four blogs; my unupdated transyouth one, the societal community blog culture critic, the mostly-tech blog problems to solve, and now this. Well, I’ve been finding I still have stuff […]