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Here we go again

Posted on Tuesday 18 July 2006

So I have a problem of not updating my blogs enough, and somehow I think the solution is to create another one. So far I run four blogs; my unupdated transyouth one, the societal community blog culture critic, the mostly-tech blog problems to solve, and now this.

Well, I’ve been finding I still have stuff to say, and somehow those three blogs don’t cover it. I needed a space to put personal stuff, but also to put random stuff up as well. Since I’m so in love with wordpress I figure why not, I can categorize my thoughts more easily this way. This is the last one though, for now, anyway, so if anything this one will be the most random.

No promises people, I have a hard enough time focusing on one project at a time, but at least now when I’m feeling overwhelmed by my ideas and totally ADD I can still write and post and sort things out here.

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