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Archive for the 'Uncategorized' Category

Jordan Balagot Standup at the Ruby

Google Cardboard STL Viewer

Here’s a non-music related post. I got a google cardboard kit last night and it’s very cool. I see a lot of potential for it — finally I can play with a cheap version of the Oculus Rift. The google demo is fun, and the immersive ‘Sisters’ game is terrifying and fun. Seeing google’s chrome […]

You can be beaten by a disc

I thought this was funny. I was out playing disc golf with some friends and we saw a sign that was only in spanish. I thought I’d give google goggles a try, one of its features is to translate signs when you take a picture of them. This was the result (click for bigger):

Move the Garageband and Factory Logic Instruments off your hard drive

I finally successfully moved my entire Garageband/Logic library off of my internal hard drive and cleared up about 14 GB of space. These are instructions for Logic users, I do not know if this breaks Garageband (I don’t have it/use it). Here’s how to do it: On your external drive, make a “Sampler Instruments” folder. […]