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Burning Man 2008

Posted on Friday 5 September 2008

Burning Man was incredible. If you went to a museum, any museum, you wouldn’t see as much art per square foot, it wouldn’t be as interesting or interactive, and it wouldn’t be free like it was here. There’s nothing like wandering the desert at night and stumbling upon a giant 5 story rocket you can climb on, or a giant scrabble board, or a light puzzle with levers like a video game. Or a giant tetris game with a video of you playing on top, or a spinning 3D animation exhibit that will scare the crap out of you. I thought I kept up with interactive exhibits, art ideas, and DIY on the web, but I had only seen maybe 5% before of what I saw at burning man. So many wonderful people, so much generosity (Pancakes! Free bars! Waffles! Steak! Bacon! Popsicles! How am I eating this in the desert?), so much stuff going on. I definitely will be back as often as possible.

Here is a slideshow of photos I took on the trip. Much love to all of you wonderful people I met on the road and on the playa!

Now with 25 videos at the end of the slideshow. You can click on this link and click on “info on” to view the slide show in full screen and with captions:

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